Kiing Prophet Frank
Master Of Prophecy
God Chosen One
P.O Box 871109
Stone Mountain Ga 30087
A Bit About Me
Have you ever missed a loved one that passed and wanted to just hear from them one more time? Have you ever felt like you didn’t know which way to turn and needed guidance? Have you ever wanted to hear Directly from God? Have you ever wanted to be healed from depression and anxiety? Well, I can help with it all. Hello, my name is Frank and nice to meet you. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I knew my whole life I had a gift, I just never used it. I thought my purpose was to help save people’s lives, so I just joined the military. I realized it wasn’t for me. I then went to college and graduated. I joined Law Enforcement and realized that wasn’t for me either. I became a truck driver and was one for 12 years. One day, as I was driving down the interstate headed to Valdosta, Georgia. I thought about how I could use my gift to serve God’s purpose but in a different way. Connecting with God outside of the church. On September 9th,2022, I decided to join Tiktok. I started by answering basic yes or no questions. I didn’t show my face, just my legs in fear of being judged by my image and not my gift. I wanted people to focus on me being able to give accurate answers and not let my image change their mind. In October, I realized that people would judge regardless, and I can no longer live in worry about being judged. At that moment, is when I presented my full authentic self to Tiktok. Yes, I was still judged but at that moment people couldn’t deny my gift of accuracy. As time went on, my connections started to get stronger and stronger. One day, I started hearing more voices speaking to me. At that point, I put down my rods and started listening more to the voices. I realized that I could hear from people’s loved ones and relay messages to them. This is where the journey really began and took off. In December, I was watching The Emmett Till movie. While watching it I felt an Angel’s presence around me. I went to speak with my angel and realized it was him. He was telling me about what really happened to him. After, is when he stated that I have a new activation and it was speaking to people beyond the grave. He gave me the name “Frank Speaks Beyond the Grave.” That’s when it all started taking off. Right after that, I went on my Facebook page and found a case that interested me. The case was about a young 16 year old boy, who was found shot and killed in a hotel room. I connected with him and his name with Tyrone. I connected to Tyrone, and he was able to give me details of his case that only the people who were there and him would know. I confirmed with his family things that weren’t released to the public. I was able to give names and all. I knew at that time is when my abilities went to another level. I was able to help people find out what happened to their loved ones. I do have the ability to activate gifts within people. I have been able to activate tarot cards, yes and no questions through rods, healing hands, casting out demons. Also, mediumship, prayers from heaven, direct connections with loved ones, healing broken hearts, healing asthma, prayers directly to God and that’s just to name a few. I have the gift of all the above as well as Speaking Directly with God, ability to do health scans, ability to advise what chakras need balancing. Able to heal glaucoma and Diabetes. Currently, I am the owner and operator of Tribe Affairs 888. Which is a spiritual based practice, that focuses on spiritual help and healing the natural way. We are income based, so we fit right into your budget. Check out our TikTok page and come and get your healing. So you ask why me? Why not me? I can help you connect with your loved ones; I can give you guidance you need with decisions you need to make. I can help heal you in areas where you have been stuck for years. I am Famous Frank Speaks, Try me Out!!!I’ve always been interested in the unknown of existence, with an inner knowing that there is something much deeper and Higher to the human experience with an intense curiosity. I find myself always trying to connect dots with everything, especially existence.. which I find fascinating and meaningful with a depth that would be tough to describe. I feel as a Prophet is a language (numbers, energy, astrology and intuition) of Creations and Gods universes.. a tool for healing, spiritual alignment, clarity and truth. I’ll tell you exactly what I see and hear not what you want to hear.